Private Rail Crossings - We offer bespoke training in the ownership, operation and use of private rail crossings on national and heritage railways. Termed 'user worked crossings' these private crossings account for nearly 40% of all level crossing collisions and there is a high level of residual risks to those who use them. Courses can be 3 hour or all day (all day includes classroom session) and the cost is fixed for any number of delegates up to 40. Courses take place within 10 minutes of Merthyr Tudful/A470 or in any training room or by prior arrangement and with the co-operation of a railway undertaking on a suitable rail crossing across UK (we'll arrange). All employers with fleets or contract drivers benefit from the training days, sectors who have benefitted include utilities, emergency services (including paramedic trainers), agricultural and arboricultural contractors, parcel carrying services, haulage contractors, farming unions and many railway contracting and operating companies.
Call 07812 432205 or contact us if you wish to enquire about booking a course. Mainline Level Crossing Review - We recently undertook a comprehensive review of mainline station level crossings. This included creating a comprehensive geographical list of locations, protecting signals and the detailed layout, line speeds, overlaps and train control systems. The review included SPADs and other incidents since 2001 both the details of the individual incidents and the overall system risk context to produce a list of significant recommendations for improving signalling and train control equipment and integration for each protecting signal, and a more risk based approach to railway operations at station level crossings with compromised signal overlaps.
Call 07812 432205 or contact us if you wish to find out more about reducing your organisation's exposure to level crossing risk. RECENT EVENTS
April 2024 bespoke private crossings training on site for railway graduate engineers
July 2020 Level Crossings Awareness - System Principles for Signalling Engineers. Graduate Engineer online 2 day training course followed by one day site visits to crossing on the national network February 2020 Equestrian Safety at rail crossings site visits to private and public crossings on the national network with rail and equestrian sector representatives 10 July 2019 Private crossings training day for ORR staff and emergency services at the Cannock training facility 28 June 2019 Kids Country Food and Farming Day at the East of England showground presenting on level crossing safety
23 May 2019 Short presentation to the Railway Safety Working Party of the Parliamentary Advisory Committee for Transport Safety (PACTS) on the safety record of private crossings & AHBs in the light of potential law reform
20 May 2019 Private crossing safety demonstrations at AB Agri's Transport Safety Day,
East of England Showground - interactive lectures to 200 delegates from AB Agri's contractors & hauliers User worked crossing Course on location September 2018